Dorota Iwaniec


Emeritus Professor
of Social Work

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Born and educated in Poland, Professor Dorota Iwaniec read Psychology at the University of Krakow, and later obtained her qualification in teaching. She came to England in the early 1960s, and studied at the School of Social Work, University of Leicester, where she gained her qualifications in Social Work. Later, she read for her Doctorate at the same University, obtaining her PhD in 1983.

She has had a very interesting career, working as a biology teacher, a social worker, a researcher, and a therapist in Leicester. She directed the Practice Teaching Resource Centre in Residential and Day Care Services for the Social Services Department in Leicester, and worked at the Child Treatment Research Unit at the University. She conducted numerous research projects in the areas of Child Protection, Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Children and Adolescents, and the Parenting of Children. She has acquired an international reputation through her research and her many publications in the areas of emotional abuse and neglect and children who fail to thrive.

In 1992, Dr Iwaniec was appointed to the Chair of Social Work at The Queen’s University of Belfast. In 1995 she became Director of the Centre for Child Care Research which she created. She has written highly acclaimed books, contributed many Chapters to various edited books in her subject-area, and published over 100 scientific papers. She has given many keynote addresses at international conferences in different parts of the world. She was instrumental in launching the Journal of Child Care in Practice in 1994 of which she was Editor-in-Chief for many years. She continues to be Patron of the journal. She has done extensive public work with voluntary and statutory organisations in Northern Ireland and in England (details are provided below), and in particular she has done long standing work for HomeStart (a voluntary organisation helping parents to provide a good early start for their children) since her time in Leicester. She passionately cares about children and has spent all her adult years in professional and public capacity working for better understanding of children and helping their families in an informed way. She has been a Patron of the Family Care Society (NI) from 1998 to the present.

Her achievements were recognised by her election to the Academy of Social Sciences and Award of Woman of Science in 2005 by Save the Children Fund and was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2007. She was appointed as Deputy Lieutenant for the Borough of Belfast in 2007.

She retired from her academic posts in September 2005 but is still involved as an expert witness for child care and protection cases in Court, running workshops and courses in the areas of her expertise, and continues to write.

Name: IWANIEC, Stanislawa Dorota
Present Poisition: Emeritus Professor at Queen’s University Belfast
Past Poisition: Professor of Social Work, The Queen’s University of Belfast (1992-2005)
Head of School of Social Work (1994-2001)
Director of Institute of Child Care Research (1995-2005)
Universities: Jagiellonian University of Kraków - MA Psychology
University of Leicester - School of Social Work
University of Leicester (Part-Time) - School of Psychology PhD
Degree Obtained
University of Kraków (Poland)
School of Pedagogy
Diploma in Social Work (DipSW)
University of Leicester
School of Social Work
Social Work
Central Council for Education & Training in Social Work (CCETSW)
Social Work
University of Leicester
Faculty of Science
Research: Non-Organic Failure to Thrive in Children
Professional Qualfications
Teaching Qualification (DipEd)
Diploma in Social Work (DipSW)
Certificate of Qualification in Social Work (CQSW)
Posts Held
i Teacher Rzaska, Kraków, Poland 1962-1963
ii Generic Social Worker Leicestershire Social Services Department 1970-1975
iii Hospital Social Worker and Researcher
Leicestershire Social Services Department,
Leicester Royal Infirmary
iv Student Training Unit Supervisor and Practice Consultant Leicestershire Social Services Department, Study Centre 1982-1989
v Team Leader Leicestershire Social Services Department,
Practice Teaching Resource Centre
vi Professor of Social Work Queen’s University Belfast 1992-2005
vii Head of School of Social
Queen’s University Belfast 1995-2001
viii Director of Institute of
Child Care Research
Queen’s University Belfast 1995-2005
Research Interests
  1. emotional abuse and non-organic failure-to-thrive and neglect;
  2. children and young people’s behavioural and emotional problems (home, foster homes and residential settings);
  3. parent-training and parenting capacity;
  4. child development; attachment behaviour and attachment disorders, vulnerability and resilience;
  5. significant harm: its effect on the growth of development of children;
  6. child protection.
Current Practice
  1. Expert witness in Courts (Attachment, Parenting, Emotional Abuse and Neglect, Failure to Thrive and other child protection issues).
  2. Running training courses and workshops on: Emotional Abuse and Neglect, Failure to Thrive, Child Development and Attachment Disorders, and Assessment of Children in Need.

Academician of the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences (2002)

Awarded Save the Children NI Women of Achievement Science Award (2005).

Member of the Royal Irish Academy (2007)

Deputy Lieutenant of Belfast Borough (2007)


Other Books by

Dorota Iwaniec

Children who Fail to Thrive: A Practice Guide Residential Care of Children - Comparative Perspectives

Children who Fail to Thrive: A Practice Guide Children who Fail to Thrive: A Practice Guide

The Child's Journey Through Care: Placement Stability, Care Planning, and Achieving Permanency The Child's Journey Through Care: Placement Stability, Care Planning, and Achieving Permanency

The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child: Identification, Assessment and Intervention: A Practice Handbook, 1st Edition The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child: Identification, Assessment and Intervention: A Practice Handbook, 1st Edition

The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child: Identification, Assessment and Intervention: A Practice Handbook, 2nd Edition The Emotionally Abused and Neglected Child: Identification, Assessment and Intervention: A Practice Handbook, 2nd Edition

Making Research Work: Promoting Child Care Policy and Practice Making Research Work: Promoting Child Care Policy and Practice

Zaburzenia Rozwojowe Dzieci Krzywdzonych Emocjonalnie Zaburzenia Rozwojowe Dzieci Krzywdzonych Emocjonalnie

Child Welfare Policy and Practice: Issues and Lessons Emerging from Current Research Child Welfare Policy and Practice: Issues and Lessons Emerging from Current Research

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